Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Afrimed Specialist Unique Approach to Medical/Surgical Care

We bring a team approach to medical practice—one that includes you, our multidisciplinary group of well recognized physicians, and the primary care physicians who know you best.

We use the most available advanced technology for diagnosis and treatment.

We dedicate ourselves to our patients providing them with uncompromising service, compassion and care.

Sometimes your road to recovery means surgical operations. Sometimes it doesn’t. But always, it’s a decision we take with informed consent of our clients.

All patients are supported by a team of consultants and clinical nurse specialists who coordinate the entire patient journey from diagnosis, treatment and subsequent follow-up.

Prepare For Surgery, Heal Faster™

Afrimed Specialist offers a mind-body relaxation program called Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster™ to help patients feel calmer before surgery and pain free quick recovery.

After Your Surgery

Afrimed Specialist Hospital offers several services to assist you in your recovery, including on-site, post-operative rehabilitative care, visiting nurses, non-medical home care through Afrimed Specialist Quality Care, and home care medical supplies.

Afrimed offers 24/7 emergency surgical services in all surgical specialties.

Obstetrics & Gynaecology

(Consultation, Procedure, Surgery)

Our Obstetrics and Gynaecology (OB/GYN) Department provides a full range of OB/Gyn services to meet the health needs of women in Nigeria.

Obstetrics Services

• Pre-pregnancy (pre-conception) care and counselling.
• Antenatal care/postnatal care.
• We offer modern delivery services with 24 hours emergency obstetric interventions (24 hours blood banking links, operative vaginal. deliveries, emergency caesarean section, and relevant neonatal backup).
• Modern obstetrics ultrasound scan services including anomaly scan and transviginal ultrasound scan in early pregnancy.
• Electronic foetal monitoring (CTG) in labour and antenally.
• Full range obstetric and analgesia including epidural analgesia in labour.
• Immediate post delivery support services.

Are you pregnant? Afrimed Specialist Hospital would want to provide you with top notch antenal care, delivery and postnatal services. Your obstetric care is our top priority, we also place special emphasis on your overall well-being.

Gynaecology Services:

• General Outpatient Gynaecological Consultation (including diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in the outpatient setting)
• Adolescent friendly clinic
• Menopausal and geriatic services
• Papsmear/Colposcopy
• Female genital and breast cancer care (operative and medical)
• Female genital cancers screening and prevention
• Family planning services
• Laproscopy
• Artificial Insemenation/IVF services
• 24 hour emergency gynaecological services

Afrimed is a major referal center for major gynaecological surgeries in Lagos and environ with over a 100 fibriod operations perfomed annually.